High-Value SharePoint Workloads: Search, Flow, and PowerApps

OSH04 Search Like a Pro: Mythbusting the "Black Box" of Search


9:30am - 10:45am

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Agnes Molnar

Founder, Managing Consultant

Search Explained

Search is often considered to be a magical "black box". It's like air or water: we don't recognize it as long as it works fine. But as soon as we don't get the results we expect we start complaining.

In this session, Agnes is de-mystifying Search in SharePoint and Office 365. She'll explain how it works behind the scenes in a way that makes sense not only for the Search Pros but also for the end users.

She'll demonstrate the basic concepts of the following things:

  • how content becomes searchable;
  • how data becomes filter (refiner), how it can be displayed on the user interface;
  • how to define various "search verticals" and specific search applications;
  • why is it important to add good metadata on the content AND empower all users to do the same;
  • how content metadata becomes the "soul of search";
  • in classic and personalized search experiences in Office 365: why we have what we have, and how to get the most of this wide variety of search experiences;
  • and many more.

You will learn:

  • About Content Services
  • Content Services vs. classic ECM
  • Content Services and Search in Office 365