SharePoint, Office 365 and the Cloud

OST06 Navigation: A Step Towards Success in SharePoint


2:45pm - 4:00pm

Level: Intermediate

Stacy Deere

Solutions Architect

Focal Point Solutions LLC

Navigation can singlehandedly destroy any SharePoint implementation. How you ask? If your users cannot easily find what they are looking for in 3 clicks or less, they have lost focus and sometimes the drive to reuse the site. However, that is not the only issue that can occur with navigation, one of the most popular ones I have been seeing lately is navigation that takes the users to another page or site, then to another, and another, and another. I guess the good thing is they eventually get there, but the bad news is now they are going to bookmark or make it a favorite so that they never have to click so many times to get back there. Sounds like a great solution for the users, right? Actually, it’s the worst thing that can possibly happen to your SharePoint implementation. The basis of implementing SharePoint within an organization is collaboration, and if the users are bookmarking sites then they are missing all the information the company is trying to share with their organization. The homepage becomes obsolete, editors of the sites stop updating it and then collaboration only (hopefully) exists within the content sites and the company fails in communication.

In this session, we will explore navigation best practices, how to clean up your existing navigation to make it more relevant, easy to use and turn it into the wow factor of your site. Last but not least, some tips and tricks on how to get your users excited about SharePoint and your new navigation.

You will learn:

  • Navigation Best Practices
  • How to clean-Up Current Navigation
  • Tips & Tricks