SharePoint and the Cloud, For IT Professionals, For Managing IT, For SharePoint Users, For Developers

SPTH04 Building a New Business Structure Using Office 365


8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Level: Introductory

Paul Swider

Paul Swider



Increasingly, people are looking to build business infrastructure using cloud based platforms. In this session you will learn how you can use Office 365 to start and run a new company. You will learn about the registration process, online web presence, managing corporate data and your domain. The topics will be relevant to those starting a one person consulting company in addition to companies which need to support complex business process for larger teams.

You will learn:

  • To setup Office 365 for your new business
  • See real world use cases for Office 365 and business
  • How Office 365 can help a new business get online quickly