Information and Content Management: Documents, Records, and Web, For IT Professionals, For Managing IT, For SharePoint Users, For Developers

SPW10 Practical Information Architecture in SharePoint 2013


1:45 PM - 3:00 PM

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Robert Bogue

SharePoint Shepherd

Thor Projects, LLC

Here there will be no fancy words (that aren't made fun of) and no complex mathematical models. In this session you'll learn to take the content types, site columns, and navigation options and assemble them into an information architecture that your organization can actually use. Learn how Managed Metadata Services can help you ensure consistency while location-based default metadata can help to drive metadata entry. This session will be information architecture you can do.

You will learn:

  • How you can do Information Architecture
  • How to get a taxonomy built
  • How to make content findable