Information and Content Management: Documents, Records, and Web, For IT Professionals, For Managing IT, For SharePoint Users, For Developers

SPW14 Yes, Records Management IS Possible in SharePoint!


4:00 PM - 5:15 PM

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Ryan McIntyre

Ryan McIntyre

National Architect


With its roots in document management and collaboration, SharePoint has always had a need for records management. Version after version, SharePoint has increased its capabilities in this area to the point where SharePoint 2010 has a viable records management story. Come learn about these new features, see how to implement them, and hear about real success stories.

You will learn:

  • An understanding of how to use SharePoint 2010 for a records management platform
  • An understanding of where SharePoint 2010 excels in records management and where the gaps are
  • Best practices for rolling out 2010 as a RM solution