Randy Drisgill
Branding & Design Lead
SharePoint911 a Rackspace Company
Randy has more than ten years of experience developing, designing, and implementing Internet based software for clients ranging from small business to Fortune 500 companies. Randy has been working with SharePoint since the beta of SharePoint 2007 and has worked on many large-scale internal and public facing SharePoint branding projects. In 2009, Randy was recognized by Microsoft as an authority on SharePoint branding and design by being awarded MVP status for SharePoint Server. Randy has worked on several SharePoint articles, books, and white papers as well as having co-authored Professional SharePoint 2010 Branding & User Interface Design for Wrox Press (http://bit.ly/sp2010-brandingbook). You can find Randy on Twitter as @Drisgill and at his blog (http://blog.drisgill.com).